How to reduce website costs. Part II

Many business owners are using the Internet to attract new customers and improve business efficiency. But at the same time, they are wondering how to reduce the cost of the website, including its development and maintenance. This problem has acquired particular urgency in the current crisis period. Here are some basic cost optimization tips.

Clearly state the purpose for which the site is being created

A clear and specific goal will define the type of resource and set the rules for its design. It is advisable to entrust the development of the site to specialists who have many years of experience in such work and have a rich portfolio. Also, the formulated goal will protect you from many mistakes and unjustified expenses.

Optimize terms of reference

To order a site in a web studio, you will need a detailed term of reference with a full description of the desired functionality, as well as a list of elements that are not particularly necessary. Later you may also need some new blocks to update the information on the site. So think about it in advance.

Establish active communication with the performer

The developer has to understand the original meaning of the terms of reference. However, there are cases when part of the information is distorted or lost in the process of its transmission. The contractor does not always fully understand the stated requirements, and he has to think out the missing details. And the result is often not the one that was originally expected by the customer. All this leads to additional costs for finalizing the site.

Choose components or unique solutions wisely

This advice is important only in cases where your project is unique or the functionality you need is not available. Statistics show that approximately 95% of sites are built on standard templates. Therefore, it should be remembered that most of the tools necessary for a webmaster have already been implemented. Your task is to correctly select the ‘engine’ for your needs and configure it correctly.

Start writing texts yourself

Try to start creating content by yourself. At first, working with texts for a long time will be unusual and tiring, but very soon you will fill your hand. If you have no experience in copywriting before, you will encounter several unfamiliar stages: searching for competent sources, processing information, a saturation of the finished article with keywords, inserting meta tags and images, etc. People who have been creating text content for a long time clearly understand how many working hours this activity takes. If you have chosen the path of self-writing texts, be prepared to change your usual schedule. In other cases, it is worth exploring other methods. Moreover, you will have a lot of things to say about your company as a business owner.

Regardless of the chosen method, the cost savings will be tangible only in the case of working with a contractor who offers his services quite cheaply. But for experienced site owners, time is the most valuable resource. Possession of it will allow launching new projects in parallel, opening up additional sources of profit. In this case, the need for savings will disappear by itself.

How to reduce website costs. Part I
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